Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Let’s Play: Dwarf Fortress (Part 0)

Come on guys, we have a nice settlement, why don't you stick around? Was it the ashen wasteland? The bloodstained gates? Was it the screams of madmen or the stench of death? We've got awful nice engravings of some fucking cheese here, come the fuck on in!
Cross Quantum, Boatmurdered
Dwarves are a renewable resource anyway.
- Kippling, Headshoots

Where to begin? I’ve wanted to do a Let’s Play of Dwarf Fortress (DF) for a while now, and I think the time has finally come for me to write down some of my adventures. Last Monday I sat down, launched the game, and embarked upon a journey to create an immense fortress filled with gold, silver, and blood. I absolutely love DF, and I wanted to bring this love to my friends the only way I know how; by telling a story.

For those who aren’t familiar with the game, DF is a free indie construction and management simulation video game set in a procedurally generated fantasy world. No, it's not Minecraft. You indirectly control a group of dwarves (alcoholic, bipolar psychopaths) into creating a fortress. The game simulates the needs, wants, and moods of all your dwarves, and simulates injuries down to nerve tissue, muscle, and bones. The game is extremely complex, has text-based graphics, and is open-ended.

It is also extremely rewarding once you know how to play.

However, DF is possibly one of the most difficult games in existence. Even in peaceful lands, goblins lay siege to your fortress while forgotten beasts from the depths of the earths rise up to maul your dwarves. Elephants trample, unicorns gore, and dragons melt the flesh off of dwarves with their flaming breath.

And darker fates await those who delve into deeper caves.

So, how will this Let’s Play, err, play out? Well, I’m going to play Dwarf Fortress and recount the tale of the dwarves living there until their presumably gruesome fate. Of course, you, beautiful reader, also has a role to play in this story. I invite you to influence the course of history by providing input on what you want me to do next, or on how to manage the fortress. Also, if you want I will name a dwarf after you (provided there is a dwarf left to name) and provide you with updates of your named dwarf. I will also try to post hints to the game in some posts in order to help budding Dwarf Fortress players.

Now, sit back and enjoy my Let’s Play: Dwarf Fortress. The first update should come up later this week, so stay tuned! EDIT: Might come in a bit later than that... a few hours into the fortress I realize I embarked in a peaceful land, meaning no wars or sieges.

And remember: Losing is Fun!

Stay safe, I love you all, hugs and kisses,