Tuesday, September 9, 2014

TS4: Home Improvements, and a Budding Drinking Problem (Part 2)

Note: I've added some sims from my friends and family into the game, but I won't be following them closely. The game does a good job of automating their lives without my influence, so I will only report on them when they are relevant to the current plot.

The Sims 4: Home Improvements, and a Budding Drinking Problem

Nosco struggles, Myllenium soars.
So I played a little more last night, and each of the sims' personalities was fleshed out a little more, and in a surprising direction. As a couple, Nosco and Myllenium are going very well, despite their weird and disconnected schedules. Whenever they have any free time, they spend it eating together, working out or doing "woo-hoo", which doesn't surprise me much.

On his own, Nosco has stagnated a bit career-wise, having become an entrepreneur with his own start-up. He's making quite a bit of money, and is pouring that money into home improvements, starting with a better office.

Notice the wallpaper and lighting.
He also does, on his free time, some freelance work for some extra cash, having apparently abandoned his desire for hacking.

Nosco sometimes plays with things he shouldn't. The face he made upon seeing his
bluescreen made me giggle.
Things, as were expected, kept breaking around the house, which Nosco diligently fixed.

Seriously, Nosco has fixed this toilet about 10 times now. Someone in this house
is taking some seriously oversized sh*ts.

Myllenium, on the other hand, can't stop working out, and has developed a very strange habit, completely out of tune with her real-life counterpart.

Yes, you saw that right, Myllenium is making herself a drink. This has been going on for days, with her drinking at least two glasses a day, like in the above example where I'm strongly suspecting she's drunk. On her days off, she literally starts jogging to the bar, coming back hammered.

I'll have to watch out for that. To avoid her rampant alcoholism, I decided to remove the mixer bar from their kitchen, and also took the opportunity to revamp their kitchen. Finally, after a few more renovations, I finished the office on the second floor and moved their bedroom upstairs for more room and better lighting (in my opinion).

I think the new kitchen is much better. Not sure what I'll do with the freed room
downstairs though.
The new bedroom, along with the finalized office space. Notice the similarities with
one of the "default" studies; I liked the style and made it mine.
That's it for now, I'll keep you posted when I play some more.


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