Friday, September 12, 2014

TS4: Smooth Criminal (Part 5)

The Sims 4: Smooth Criminal

The descent into madness continues as the quirkiness of Nosco and Myllenium further damages their already unstable minds.

For starters, Myllenium has been dividing her time between painting and writing. Since she gave up her job as head caterer, she became a writer and has since been promoted to blog writer, a very glamorous position I can assure you. She has been focusing less on her painting, and more on her writing, but both activities bore her after a certain time.

Since the destruction of her gym, Myllenium has been feeling more and more tense lately, caused by her lack of physical activities. Over time, she became sad, started waking at all hours of the night, messing up tasks that should be second nature for her (she was a chef for crying out loud), so I started her up on a workout routine again, forcing her to go jogging every day off she has.

While she was gone, I proceeded to expand her office.

Here she is, painting and writing in her new office.
The new routine seems to have her feeling better; I guess physical exercise has some benefits after all!

Nosco's mind seems to be slipping further into dementia as time goes on. On his free time, he started making mobile apps like mad, racking up some much needed cash with royalties. He also seems to have a very, um, unhealthy relationship with the new second floor bathroom. He's been spending an absurd amount of time in the bath, apparently laughing like mad among the bubbles. Things in that bathroom also seem to break quite a bit when he's there; once he went to the toilet to pee which broke the toilet, then washed his hands and THAT broke, then took a shower which ALSO broke!

The toilet is not broken here, Myllenium just caused it to turn a nice shade of
radioactive green. Also, notice the expanded office in the back.
Besides his high-paying job and app royalties, Nosco has continued to steal his way to riches by hacking. He has hacked trust funds, banks, and the local school. He bit more than he could chew though when he tried to hack an entity known only as "Supercomputer". After about two hours of work, Supercomputer proved to be resistant to Nosco's hacking.

That itself didn't do much, but when Supercomputer HACKED BACK, Nosco understandably freaked the f*ck out. In the end, Supercomputer hacked SO HARD, it broke Nosco's computer, sending the man fleeing out in terror.

Nosco, feeling paranoid, couldn't shake the feeling that Supercomputer would come back to haunt him, possibly send cops and other law enforcement after him. With his growing madness, I fear for what this will do to his mind. I have to do something about this before it gets out of hand.


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