Tuesday, September 23, 2014

TS4: How Do I Parent? (Part 9)

The Sims 4: How Do I Parent?

One thing I was keen on was that Nosco and Myllenium's children would have traits randomized from their parents. Using a random trait generator I found online, I gave both Aidan and Lilith randomized traits and aspirations. Sadly, I forgot to note down the traits (next time!) but I gave Aidan and Lilith the Rambunctious Scamp and Artistic Prodigy aspirations, respectively.

Do parents analyze their children while they sleep? Or is that a creepy thing to
What do you do when your twin babies suddenly and inexplicably become twin children who know how to walk, talk and perform other tasks flawlessly? Send them off to school, of course! One of the first things that happened after they grew into children was a small alert telling me they were late for school and were going to perform poorly if this continues. Well sorry, they're only about 3 days old (which is like 1 sim-year).

Side-Note: fix aging. The way aging works in TS4 is that your current sims age normally and you can choose whether or not your neighbours also age. Currently I have set them to age, but since I don't play them they won't have children. They will grow old and die and I will be left with a ghost town.

Nosco finally reached the end of his career path, which results in a whopping 15000$ of profit per week (still pales in comparison to Myllenium's +3000$ per day). The main difference is that he now works 3 days a week, and somehow needs to look like Steve Jobs when heading to the office.

Complete with turtleneck and smugness.
Now, I knew TS4 introduced some new genetics mechanisms and improved the general way things are passed on to children, but this is a little ridiculous. I mean, Aidan and Lilith, despite being twins, look nothing alike. In fact, they seem to be clones of their respective parents, with Aidan looking like Nosco and Lilith inheriting her mother's fiery hair. Their personalities, however, are the opposite, with Aidan being hyper-active and hyperactive, while Lilith prefers playing the violin.


Oh God we can hear it from over here.
Aidan is also very social, always eating with his parents.

While Lilith tends to eat alone or with her brother.

Did I mention that I don't control them at all? Aside from telling them some things parents would normally tell their kids ("Come down and eat before you starve to death.", "God you smell like sewage, go take a bath.", "No one likes you, go practice talking to yourself in front of a mirror."), I largely leave them autonomous as much as possible.

One last note before I leave; while real-life siblings normally like sharing absolutely everything, I noticed that Aidan and Lilith wouldn't bathe or pee in a shared bathroom, since they usually try to go at the same time. To remedy that small, stinky problem, I had to build them separate bathrooms.

That's all for now! Until next time,

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